Pratybų atsakymai
Vardadienius šiandien švenčia: Fabijonas Sebastijonas Daugvydas Nomeda
Trello for Android
Download Trello for Android for free. Apps for phones and tablets.
Trello app for Android, download programs for phones and tablets for free.
Screenshots of Trello program for Android phone or tablet.
Screenshots of Trello program for Android phone or tablet.
Screenshots of Trello program for Android phone or tablet.

Aprašymas Trello programos:

Trello - your self-discipline assistant in order to achieve goals. You can do everything in this application: control a team, write a scenario or just make a shopping list. Besides, this application works offline and will automatically synchronize your card when connected to the Internet.


  • Create boards with tasks
  • You can invite friends/colleagues
  • Set tasks (for you and for colleagues)
  • Handy interface

admin · 2018-06-05 00:00 · 1179 peržiūrėjo


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