Operacinė sistema: Windows7, Windows Vista, Xp
Developer: Maxon
Language: EN
Programos puslapis
Description: Design freedom
The free-form modeling capabilities of Cinema 4D used together with the ArchiCAD add-on allow creating and using any kind of geometry in the design. Users are able to transfer any ArchiCAD elements to Cinema 4D and modify with the powerful geometry tools as well as to transfer these elements back to ArchiCAD and save as GDL objects. Using the add-on connection elements created in Cinema 4D can be transferred to ArchiCAD as GDL objects as well.
Note: Cia yra Downloaderis, jy parsisiunciat ir tada siunciates per jy. Kai parsisius jum tiesiog lieka jy instaliuoti. (Kai instaliuosit, klaus ar norit kartu ir BodyPaint3D, instaliuokit ir jy) :))
Reikalavimai sistemai: Windows XP, Vista or 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support; Mac OS X 10.5.8 or higher running on an Intel-based Mac; 1024 MB free RAM, DVD ROM drive. Standard DVD installation can take up to 4 GB of disk space. Software must be registered for permanent use.
SVARBU !!! Jeigu pas jus yra integruota vaizdo korta gali ir neveikti. Ir netiinka sie procesoriai.
Processors not supported
Intel Itanium
Intel Itanium II
Intel Pentium
Intel Pentium II
Intel Pentium III
AMD Athlon XP/MP
AMD Duron
Power PC G4
Power PC G5