Mozilla Firefox v3.5 Special Edition
Tai specialiai perdirbta populiariausios naršyklės versija. Visus naujus šios naršyklės priedus rasite naujienos viduje.
Ką rasite:
Language: English
Enabled Extensions: 24
Installed Themes: 2
Installed Plugins: 14
Tweaks: Many
[24] Enabled Extensions
* Adblock Plus 1.0.2
* BetterPrivacy 1.29
* ColorfulTabs 3.9.2
* Ctrl-Tab 0.20
* Dictionary Lookup Extension 1.5.1
* Firesizer 0.92
* Flagfox 3.3.13
* Flashblock
* Greasemonkey 0.8.20090123.1
* Interclue
* It's All Text! 1.3.1
* Lazarus: Form Recovery 2.0
* Linkification 1.3.6
* MR Tech Toolkit
* Panic Button 1.1.2
* PopupSound 0.1.6
* pwgen 0.1.2
* QuickWiki 0.99
* removetabs 0.3.0
* Stylish 1.0.3
* Tab Scope
* Tab Wheel Scroll 20090618
* Undo Closed Tabs Button 3.5.1
* United States English Dictionary 3.0.3
[2] Installed Themes
* Default
* NASA Night Launch 0.6.20090428
[14] Installed Plugins
* 2007 Microsoft Office system
* Adobe Acrobat
* Authorware Web Player
* Foxit Reader Plugin for Mozilla
* Microsoft� Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin
* Mozilla Default Plug-in
* Office Genuine Advantage
* QuickTime Plug-in 7.6
* RealJukebox NS Plugin
* RealPlayer Version Plugin
* RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
* Shockwave Flash
* Shockwave for Director
* Windows Genuine Advantage
[Many] Tweaks
*The piratebay website Tweaked (no more advertisements)
*No waiting time for all megaupload family website and auto CAPTCHA filling and autodownload.
*No more advertisements in windows hotmail. (Enjoy it as a premium user)
*Spelling checker For NEWAGE-OS Chatbox
*Deviantart website tweaked (changed the main theme)
*Warez bb Tweaked ( changed the main theme)
*Youtube website Tweaked (changed the main theme)
*Always centered images
*IMDB website Tweaked (changed the main theme)
*Google page tweaked ( newage-os google and few improvements in the visualization results and google "method")
*Link checker (for Rapidshare links and Megaupload)
*Quick preview when mouse over opened tab
*Move between the tabs with your mouse wheel (when mouse on the tabs)
*Automatic Password generator